Learn to fly in Kent

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PPL Ground School Lectures
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PPL Ground School Lectures.

New Private Pilot Licence (PPL) ground school lectures - online and in person in the South East of England

The new 2015 course can now be accessed online by logging on to the site and playing the "catch up" lectures. The lectures given to those students who attend the sessions are recorded so that if they miss a session or wish to revise a lecture they can do so at their leisure. This facility is very popular and now means that students can sit the course remotely without the need to attend the lectures, unless they want to for revision or pre exam brush up. This gives complete flexibility in how and when they chose to structure their study.

If you wish to attend lectures they take place in the Weald of Kent, at Headcorn Aerodrome, ideal for anyone learning to fly at Rochester, Biggin Hill, Lydd and Shoreham or if your planning to do a condensed course abroad at a later date. Lectures are held on Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm to 9.30pm with other potential venues in London and West Kent.

The PPL, NPPL LAPL night school course is run by Chief Flying Instructors who are also both ground examiners and have lectured at the London Metropolitan University on the Aviation degree course. Each subject will be covered for a number of weeks and the exams will be taken during the final session of each subject, or at another time by individual appointment on request.

The lectures are also open to qualified pilots who would like to brush up on skills and subjects that may have long since been forgotten! So for the cost of just over 3 hours flying you receive 60 hours ground school which can be re run as many times as you like, all the time your subscription is current. The lectures are designed to supplement a student's personal study towards exam not replace it.

Prices & Terms

All fees are payable in full in advance with no refunds for non attendance.

If you are interested please e-mail john @ haffendenaviation.com (remove spaces between) or visit the PPL Ground School website.

One-to-one Ground School Tuition

Individual groundschool sessions and bespoke courses are available during the day and some evenings by appointment at £30 per hour.